Thursday, 11 November 2010

What a few days...

As I said in the last update, Leah and I had a sneaky suspicion that our parents were up to no good and we weren't mistaken. Well, actually we were mistaken. It was in fact, our friends, old colleagues and family that were up to no good!

For those of you that don't know, Leah and I that we were going out for food last Saturday with our families but in fact were lucky to have a surprise party thrown for us! Around a 100 people got together to celebrate us leaving! The first hour was a total blur, while we both took a time to take everything on board and go around and say hello to everyone! I have to apologies for my terrible attempts at a witty speech; thankfully Leah was there to rescue us though!

A great night was had and we have to thank everyone for their efforts in organising the party and thanks to all that attended, 'twas a brilliant night!

Following Saturday, its been busy seeing people for the last time and making sure that everything that needs to be done is done. Today has been especially busy, Jenkin St is now just home to the two of us with Paddy the fish now taking up residence in Hirwaun with Leah's mam. I'm sure she's going for the largest number of pets in home!

I'm updating this blog from the comfort of our bed, whilst Leah is apparently singing Karaoke in the boot in Aberdare! So it sounds like she’s making sure that she leaves a good impression on our Aberdare as we leave.

I’m having a beer and an Indian with the boys tomorrow night, bit of luck I won’t get too much of an hangover as we have around 48hours of travelling from Saturday night.

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